man who writes reports to hide the existence of a base on the moon | ||
author | raticide | |
location | twin peaks | |
age | 56 | |
gender | m | |
description | good | bad | ||
looks face, phisique, car, clothes, house ... |
1.77 mt tall, blond hair, wave, glasses, slim, clean | never to be seen | ||
society interaction sex, love, marriage, parents, friends ... |
one co agent wife , no kids very few friends a red phone |
he might shut down your cpu sometimes to prevent you from approching some delicate theory | ||
activities job, hobby, sport, illegal ... |
man of his time, he reads a lot, aware of news at the source, watches tv, sufs the web, has access to many databases he writes with a subtile style haiku news |
when he gets stressed he says with frenzie " no we just went there once, never again, no there are no installations on the moon, we just went in and out to put a little flag "... | ||
character motivation, temperament ... |
he is a protocol 45896556b the protocol is a reaffirmation of some ways of the electricity in the brain and the body, the messages are driven through canals and some other canals are shut |
protocol 45896556b 's head might explode... | ||
future what will this personality stereotype achieve ... |
get a real beamer and a teletransporting device |
he is involved in my hydroponic geo stationnary satellite project |